Coonawarra Vignerons hosts Premier’s visit

The new head of the state himself, Premier Steven Marshall joined in discussions with a contingent of local Wine Industry and Tourism representatives during his whirlwind trip to the region.

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone, EO of Coonawarra Vignerons Olivia Nunn, Premier Steven Marshall, Tourism Industry Development Manager of the Limestone Coast LGA Biddie Shearing, and Chair of the Limestone Coast Grape and Wine Council Peter Bissel.

“It’s great to be back in the South East, this is my third regional trip since we (the Liberal Party) have been sworn in only a couple of weeks ago,” Mr Marshall said. 

Mr Marshall began his tour in Mount Gambier, before stopping in Penola to discuss tourism opportunities with the Limestone Coast Grape and Wine Council.

“Increasing visitation into this area is absolutely critical to growing the local economy, and growing local jobs,” Mr Marshall said.

“We’re absolutely focused on growing jobs in regional South Australia, and most importantly, listening to people in regional South Australia, about the things we can do for you.”

Heading further north to Naracoorte, Mr Marshall met with approximately 20 industry leaders from numerous fields at a business luncheon hosted by The Avenue Inn.

The business luncheon was organised by the MP for MacKillop, Nick McBride, and Naracoorte Lucindale Mayor Erika Vickery.

Both organisers were warmly praised by Mr Marshall. The Premier described Mr McBride as “fantastic”, and said that it was “always good” to discuss issues with Mayor Vickery.

Mr Marshall stressed that it was a high priority to meet with business leaders such as those from Teys or MiniJumbuk, as his government is focused on economic growth.

But Mr Marshall also made sure that personnel from fields such as health, agriculture, education, and local government could brief him on the issues that are vital to his regional constituents.

“In the lead up to the election we spoke a lot about increasing regional populations, and to do that we’ve got to have good regional infrastructure,” Mr Marshall stated.

“We’ve got to have good regional services such as health, and also dealing with mobile phone blackspots, which are a real curse in country SA.

“We’re going to be delivering on all our commitments, and quite frankly, I can’t wait to show the people of regional South Australia what a good government is all about.”

Announced to coincide with the Premier’s visit to the South East, Recharging our Regions is a broad and comprehensive policy which is designed to boost socio-economic growth, and includes:

  • Establishing a Regional Growth Fund
  • Setting up new trade offices
  • Farm debt meditation
  • Protecting the livestock industry
  • Capping NRM levies
  • Conducting a water pricing inquiry
  • Royalties for Regions
  • Moratorium on fracking in the South East
  • Reinstating country speed limits
  • Investing in country health
  • Establishing regional health boards
  • Mount Gambier renal dialysis services

The State Liberal Government has also reaffirmed its commitment on imposing a ten year moratorium on fracking in the South East.

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