Riddoch Hwy, Coonawarra SA 5277
P: 08 8736 5001
E: Email Rymill Coonawarra
W: Visit Website
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Cellar Door Open Daily 10:00am – 5:00pm.
Closed Christmas Day
Bookings encouraged via https://rymill.com.au/pages/cellar-door-bookings
In the 1970’s Peter Rymill, the great grandson of John Riddoch – the founder of Coonawarra – established Rymill Coonawarra. Peter very much embraced the pioneering spirit, strength and sense of adventure of his forefathers, when he planted a diverse range of varieties on the terra rossa soil and built a stunning, high-tech winery that is still home to Rymill Coonawarra today.
The iconic Stallions Rampant statue at the entrance to the winery boldly embodies the strength of the wines. Rymill Coonawarra has always strived to create wines that express the very best that the unique soil and cool climate of Coonawarra can deliver; wines of finesse, power and balance – just like a good thoroughbred horse.
Experience the uniqueness of Coonawarra by visiting Rymill Coonawarra’s cellar door, picturesque lawns and gallery, described by regarded wine-critic James Halliday as “a must-visit destination” in the region.
Wines of finesse, power and balance – redolent of a thoroughbred horse.
100% Coonawarra. 100% Sustainable. 100% Estate Grown.
Facebook: rymillcoonawarra
Instagram: @rymillwinery
Twitter: @rymillwinery