15 Producers. 30 Wines. 1 Night Only.
Join up to 15 Coonawarra wineries in one location for one night only, as winemakers and vignerons gather to showcase the superior ageing ability of Coonawarra wines.
Not just limited to the region’s signature variety Cabernet Sauvignon, you’ll discover how the characteristics of RED AND WHITE wine varieties change and develop over time.
Join us for a unique and exclusive opportunity to taste and compare
cellared red and white wines from 15 Coonawarra producers.
Stay on and make a night of it at Hollick Estates, as they offer a meal to delight. Choose from your preference of a 2 Course or 3 Course meal at the time of booking.
TIME | 5:30pm – 7:30pm .
COST | Tasting Event Entry – $40 per person (includes a selection of canapes and unlimited tastings)
Tasting Event + 2 Course Dinner $95 per person
$10 per person
A shuttle bus will be operating to transport guests staying in Penola to and from the event. Tickets must be booked in advance online via the ticketing link.
Pick up at 5:15pm Penola IGA Car Park | Must@Coonawarra at 5:20pm